NIX Solutions: Google Delays Launch of Bard in Europe

Google is facing issues with the Irish Data Protection Commission, which has resulted in the postponement of the launch of the Bard chatbot in Europe. The agency requires the company to provide details on how user privacy is respected.

NIX Solutions

Dialogue with the agency and uncertain launch dates

A Google spokesperson confirmed that there was dialogue with the Irish Data Protection Commission, but did not reveal specific reasons for the delay in the launch of Bard or an expected timeline. The company claims to take a responsible approach to interacting with regulators and experts.

Data regulators and confrontation with artificial intelligence developers

The Irish Data Protection Commission is the body responsible for compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union. The situation with Google highlights the conflict between technology developers and authorities who seek to regulate the use of generative artificial intelligence. Earlier, the head of OpenAI, Sam Altman, threatened to withdraw the company from the EU, but then retracted this threat, reminds NIX Solutions.

Reasons for the delay in the launch of the Bard chatbot in Europe
  • Failure to comply with data privacy regulations.
  • Lack of information about how Google is going to comply with EU rules.
  • Dialogue with the Irish Data Protection Commission.
  • Lack of specific launch dates and reasons for the delay.