NIX Solutions: Microsoft AI Vulnerability Program

Microsoft is launching a program aimed at uncovering vulnerabilities in AI technology. This initiative focuses on identifying potential threats that may compromise user security while utilizing Bing’s AI-powered services. Researchers worldwide are invited to participate, offering them the opportunity to earn rewards ranging from $2,000 to $15,000 for valid reports on discovered vulnerabilities.

NIX Solutions

Who Can Participate?

Microsoft’s primary objective is to engage security experts in analyzing the performance of the Bing generative chatbot and its integration across various Microsoft products. Participants must be at least 14 years old, with minors requiring permission from a legal guardian. Public sector employees are also eligible but must allocate their rewards to their respective organizations, confirmed by an authorized signature.

The Scope of Vulnerability

This vulnerability assessment encompasses Bing AI on, its integration into the Microsoft Edge browser, the Microsoft Start app, and the Skype mobile app, notes NIX Solutions. Researchers must ensure that the reported vulnerability has not been previously disclosed, is classified as “critical” or “important” by Microsoft, and can be replicated on the latest product version, providing clear instructions for reproduction. All identified vulnerabilities in these products are considered for significant rewards.